An everyday blog

by a not-so-everyday Mama.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Oh my god, we're back again.

We did it. It's done. We're in the new house and we're happy beyond belief. I'm watching A Baby Story on the 42" TV and I have two sleeping pups on my lap, along with the laptop. Life is good.

Oh, nevermind. I just remembered that I soon have to get up and try to find $2.50 for the bus to get to work. I was so accustomed to leave at 4:45pm and getting to work at 4:55pm, when I had to start at 5pm. Now I have to leave before 4pm. It's nearly an hour-long trek from the new house to downtown, when dealing with the Grand River Transit. Not impressed. It just gives me all the more reason to get my resume printed off (once the printer is set up, of course) and start sending them out to the places near the new house. There's a Sobey's, a Blockbuster, a British pub, a Starbucks, an ice cream place. I'll apply everywhere. Hopefully I'll have news about that soon.

I have decided to compile a list of the things that I lost/can't find at this moment, from the move. It's more out of frustration than anything else, but also a list so I can start searching for these things tomorrow.

Things I lost/misplaced but have since found:
- my laptop (it was at the old apartment, got left behind)
- my digital camera USB cord (still can't find it, but found a completely different one that worked)
- Paul's work bag
- The Wii
- Skeletor (he was hiding under the stairs in the basement)

Things that are still missing (but are here somewhere):
- coffee filters
- a long extension cord
- one of the dog leashes
- the bag of dog toys

I won't even type out the list of stuff we need to pick up from Walmart, because it will only remind me that even after I get paid on Friday, we don't have much extra money until Paul's next paycheque in a week from now. Oh well, I guess that's the price to pay (literally) for buying appliances and living in an awesome new house!

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