An everyday blog

by a not-so-everyday Mama.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

First dinner at the new house = success.

Today was magnificent. And now I'm officially exhausted.

Our day began at 8:45am (dress fitting me for, suit fitting for Paul) and ended, just now, at 1:45am. That's a long ass day for us. Paul already stumbled upstairs, half asleep, a few minutes ago, but I felt I should sit down and take some time to write about the day... err... post pictures from the day.

We hit up Future Shop to get Paul his 12-month Xbox live card and he "surprised" me by buying me the movie Whip It with Ellen Page and Drew Barrymore. Afterwards we had lunch at Quiznos. Then we went to Walmart and picked up a bunch of stuff from the other day's list, only neglecting a few things - plus Walmart surprised us by having everything off my grocery list, as well. Grocery shopping at Walmart is weird.

We didn't get back to the house until after 5pm, at which time I had to rush to get everything ready for the evening's events. Paul cleaned up the back part of the living room, which now looks like this:

Taking boxes downstairs or up - wherever they needed to live - and he also took out garbage and put away the groceries, while I started on the mini Oreo cheesecake cups. They were quick to make, 20 mins to bake and then they were off to the fridge to set for a few hours. I started on the potatoe salad next. Boiled potatoes cut into cubes, diced onion and brocoli, mayo, zesty Italian dressing and honey mustard later, it was back in the fridge until we were ready for it. I started on the pasta (penne, alfredo, onion and green pepper, with chicken on top for them, but not me) just before our guests (Christoff and Carolyn) arrived, at 7pm. Everything was ready to chow down shortly after and then our bellies got full.

Paul's plate:

And mine:

Everyone loved the dinner (or so they told me, haha) and we waited a couple of hours until we had room for the cheesecake cups. Here they are on the counter, still in the silicone cups:

And here's me holding one up so you can see the bottom (a full Oreo as the crust):

They turned out amazingly tasty and I can't wait to make them again soon. I only made enough for six "cupcakes", because I only had six silicone things. Don't tell anyone, but I had two of the six.

After dinner we put on the movie Paul bought me earlier in the day. It was funny and everyone enjoyed it.

Oh, plusalso, Paul let me buy a vacuum today. We were going to try to hold off and save up, possibly buying a more expensive one that we wouldn't have to replace in a few years. But this was an offer we couldn't refuse. We went to Zellers. We had a gift card for $65. And this vacuum was on sale for $75 (reg. $140):

I like it alot and I'm sure it'll do us for the next few years until we can afford a fancy pants Dyson, or something along those lines. But $700 for a vacuum at this point in our lives is quite excessive. I'll post about how well the vacuum works after I use it tomorrow.

At the end of the night, as the movie finished, my girls came to lay with me. Olivia under my legs (because she loves being under things when she sleeps) and Ruby right on top.

Ahh, and now I'm going to meet my husband in bed. He's clearly fast asleep, as I'm sure I'll be as soon as my head hits the pillows.


  1. haha Olivia looks so funny under your legs. That's cute.

  2. it sounds (and looks) like you guys had a productive day! those cheesecake cups looking freaking AMAZING. I'm a big sucker for cheesecake.

    also, your pups are so adorable. Olivia is so quirky!

  3. Tara - yes, she's a funny dog. And strange. But super cute.

    Mandee - I wish I could send you one of those mini cheesecakes I made yesterday. SO good. I'm a huge sucker for cheesecake, too.
