An everyday blog

by a not-so-everyday Mama.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Clean and Packing day?

Ehhh, not so much. I know I should be cleaning the living room, the spare room and the kitchen today, as well as continuing my slow packing for the move, but today I am feeling like just... not doing anything. The dogs are play fighting and my cable is still out (hopefully will be fixed tomorrow), so while I packed one box of pots and pan and did some dishes, that's all I have in me today.

Yesterday, on the other hand, was a blast. We started our day by heading to our friends' dog's birthday party (yes, you heard me, a birthday party for a dog - its surprisingly common). We of course brought along Ruby and Olivia, pictured here at the party:

We went out for dinner last evening, and it was delicious (and cheap, since we had a gift card from my Grandma for early Xmas). Paul had ribs (gross) and I had a goat cheese pasta with garlic bread(Mmmm!), then we went back to our friends' house to hang out. We watched Superbad (one of my favourite movies ever) and then played Pictionary, which was amazingly fun. It was an awesome day in general.

Who else can't believe that Christmas is now four days away? I can't believe it - it doesn't even feel like the Christmas season to me, for whatever reason. This week is surely going to drag on, even though I only work Wednesday and Saturday. Paul works stupid hours this week so we won't see each other much - plus we have to somehow figure out how to get to the clinic and get prescriptions for malaria pills this week, for our Dominican trip - which is four weeks away.

On the menu for dinner tonight is Taco Salad with veggie ground round (soy meal similar to ground beef). When Paul gets home we will head to the grocery store to get lettuce, sour cream and tomatoes, then I will make dinner. And then my tummy will be happy and full, unlike right now. Only a couple more hours, I hope. Until then I sit here and watch Dr. Phil on basic cable (the only channel that works) and listen to the not-so-soothing sounds of my stomach growling.

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