An everyday blog

by a not-so-everyday Mama.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I have a six month old...

Four months? How has four months passed since I've posted here? That blows my mind. I apologize.

I have been blogging though, but over on my other blog. You can go visit if you want - it's called Cloth Diaper World and, you guessed it, it's my cloth diaper blog. I've been reviewing products, writing posts that other cloth diaperers might find helpful, etc.

Yes, my life is all about the baby, and cloth diapers are a huge part of that. So, my few minutes of free time a day is usually spent writing posts for that blog.

The other thing I've been doing alot of is making baby food. So far I've made sweet potato puree, peas puree and butternut squash puree, as well as mashed avocado and banana. I cut up the fresh fruit/veggie, usually steam it for a few minutes and then blend it into a puree in my new hand blender that my mother in law bought me for Christmas. I was using my three year old Magic Bullet prior to that, and it was doing the job, but not that great. I'm very happy with my hand blender! After it's a puree, I spoon it into clean ice cube trays, let it cool, snap on the lid and throw it (not literally) into the freezer. Noah eats 1-2 cubes per meal, once a day so far. He's loved everything he's tried so far, too.

Eating banana, at 5 months old

Oh, did I forget to mention that he's 6 months old now? How did that happen? He's not quite mobile yet - he crawls backwards but not forwards. He's got an amazing little (big) personality as well. He's very social, loves most everyone and hardly ever cries. He whines, definitely. But crying is rare. He (finally) is back to sleeping through the night - we went through a month or two of him waking up 2-3 times every night to eat. Though those days I just had an extra cup of coffee and didn't let it affect me much.

We spend our days playing, going for walks in the stroller and then when Noah decides to actually nap, I get housework done - like dishes, vacuuming, laundry, etc. I usually only get online on my iPhone, and usually only when I'm nursing Noah. Although he is now alot better at playing on his own (now that he's sitting up) and that allows me a few minutes to actually get on the laptop and upload pictures, blog, etc.

I'll leave you with a picture from today, since I have to go start dinner now. I've been teaching myself how to take a better picture with my dslr, without a flash. I'm proud of this one.

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